Saturday 28 February 2015

Follow Me...

Hi there!

I know that some other part of the world is still February, but....

It's 1st of March 2015 in my country, Malaysia!

Dear March, please be nice to me (^ - ^)

So far, I am enjoying the year of 2015...I hope it will continue to be nice to be through out the year...Amin....

Do you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube? (what kind of question is this? I bet EVERY single person nowadays have at least 1 SNS...LOL :P)

Do follow me if you would like to know more about me (^ - ^)

Credit Picture: Google Search

Symbol: Little Miss Paintbrush /

Hope to see you there!

Till next time.... Happy March, everyone (^ - ^)


~ Hanna ~

Saturday 14 February 2015

Hello and Welcome to my Blog (^ - ^)

Salam and hello to all of you.

My first entry.

I'm Hanna and I am from Malaysia.

Today, I decided to start blogging in order to make a world a better place (really? :P)

I will share anything base on my point of view and hope it can inspire you as well to keep on living in this world.

I have no concept of my blog. It can be anything.

Yup, that's right.... Anything.

I've got so inspired to start blogging after I got to know this beautiful human being. Her name is Kaila. Please check her blog.

I hope I can learn something by blogging and bring out the positive trait inside me in order to live a positive life.

Hope you will enjoy reading my blog and I will tell you more about me in the future. See you soon!



Credit Photo: Google Search

Header Artwork of my blog by: Little Miss Paintbrush /